Saturday, December 16, 2006

Please Welcome "Dan Hoang"..Ladies and Gentlemen!
Juicy? Indecent? Revealing? Another Asian Porn Star? Don't guess it wrong if you don't know him yet. He is Dan Hoang, Vietnam born American.
I just think I need to mention a bit more about Asian men from fashion and model circles since there are more than enough million sites about other black and white models and even here on this blogs.
Well..juicy or sexual you may think or even you might think otherwise why I am running all these revealing male body...He is a model and taking nude pictures is just part of their portfolios these days..And ya.. as an asian, I would like to see well groomed asian model making good in world glitz and glam style and modelling arena.And if I think they are worth -mentioing why not! Even full frontal from artistic point of views..
As we all know, "Sex Sell"..
Walk down the could see a poster Levi's models semi nude in a pair of jeans. Korea's Rain half naked poster for his world tours.. Flesh everywhere..

See a bio of Dan and more of his Pics, Here.

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