Wednesday, December 26, 2012


I guess everyone loves December! Lots of Holidays & Festivities in December. It is the end of the year and many of us look forwards to the New Year.

Sometimes, we say this "Oh..I will leave all bad memories behind and start everything afresh soon. We hold onto ourselves and brave through the months till December to relieve ourselves hoping, wishing a New Year.

It's exactly how I happen to revisit this blog and write again here.

I was reviewing my life process throughout the year.

What did I do?

What did I gain?

Loss? Many...etc..

When going around checking my blogs, I realized this one had been neglected for more than 2 years. This blog in entirely in English and love the way it is. So I decided I will keep it and still will be in English. Even I want my own people, the men in particular, to read it ( as my topics are related and intended to share all sort things for the man's well beings), I least hope that they would.

The reasons! It's in English and I really think that my fellows Myanmar rather read it in our own Language to their heart contents. Language barrier or patriotism? I will leave it for all to wonder as I don't understand it myself too.

Anyway, for those who like the way I write, think or if you think this blog of mine is worthy visiting very often please do so! My appreciation and I hope you would shout back something by commenting.

All right guys.. See you soon!
